We're just starting to emerge from the dark COVID tunnel and getting a glimpse of what might lie ahead. We’re exhausted, deeply sad, and often incredibly angry. We’ve lost a lot-some much more than others. Employers, parents, government leaders, and well-meaning friends are all encouraging us, cheering us on. It’s time to come back. It’s time to get out there. For many, it’s hard to quash the fear. It’s hard not to be just a little, kinda, sorta… careful, hesitant. We’re still processing.
Some are eager to get back to an open, relaxed, immediate, and intimate life. Completely understandable. They’re jumping in with both feet and no mask. Some are fearless in their reverie, challenging rules and testing boundaries. No matter what you’re experiencing, from hesitation to fearlessness, reflection is a necessary part of this comeback process. Beyond the how and when of your come-back, are you thinking- what am I going back to?
It’s a time to be honest with oneself and with others. This jolt could create a new perception of reality and a new reality. No matter the individual's age, race, gender, or circumstances, as we uncover and prioritize what brings true happiness and what is truly meaningful, we might get a refreshingly cleansing and much-needed cultural tsunami. Leading up to the official acknowledgement of a pandemic in the US, it seemed that much of our world was in hyperdrive and at times confoundingly out of control. We were moving furiously fast, supercharged with caffeinated drinks, multitasking our multi-tasks, barely breathing, and rarely sleeping. The ability to genuinely connect with one another- let alone with oneself- seemed to be decaying.

We forgot- it’s about people. The pandemic drove that home. So, if you’re going back to any group, institution, place, or point of view, do consider it carefully. Be as fearless or timid as you need, but with a stronger sense of yourself, and with a more purposeful and generous commitment to our shared world.